5 Outstanding Tactics To Disagree Without Arguing

Disagreements with your boss, disagreements with coworkers, fighting with a girlfriend or boyfriend, meeting disagreeable people, having heated debates, imposing your will onto someone or having someone impose their will onto you, are all circumstances that happen to us throughout life.

With the world being more divided than ever right now, everyone seems to have an opinion and try to convince people about what is “right” and “wrong.”

What is important to understand is that YOU can have an opinion and if you disagree with others, you can still share WITHOUT arguing.

In this video, you will learn the top 5 tactics on how to disagree with someone, while maintaining healthy communication, a healthy relationship and a calm rational conversation. Being able to calmly communicate, educate, negotiate and debate are all skills that will help you maintain strong relationships in life, lead to deeper understanding between people, build greater awareness in humanity, and bring us all closer to connection and further away from broken relationships.

The quality of our lives is directly related to the quality of our relationships. Most importantly, starting with the relationship you have with yourself.

Hi, my name is Giovanna Elias and on this channel I’m going to show you how the communication and connection you have with yourself and your inner world directly impact the relationships, the connection and the success you have in your outer world in every area of your life.

Hi everyone, welcome to another week here on the connection code. My name is Giovanna Elias, I’m a human connection expert and this week we’re going to talk about 5 outstanding tactics to disagree without arguing. Now, we all know that we can have disagreements and differences of opinions in this life, but do we really have to argue about them when we share our own opinions? Not necessarily.

Stay tuned, listen in and hear the five tactics that I’m about to share with you. So the first tactic is to present your truth with a calm tone. Now, depending on how you deliver a message, the tone of your voice, this can entirely change whether someone actually shuts down, guards themselves up, and closes off. Or whether they actually tune in and listen to what you have to say delivering a message with a calm grounded demeanor goes a lot further than coming in with your guns ablazing and all heated up and fiery your tone in essence is a vibration that people can feel so leave the other feeling calm and grounded whether you agree with each other or not.

This second tactic is to listen to the other person’s truth without disrupting all. People simply just want to feel heard and acknowledged in this life. So when you really, genuinely listen in, hear what they’re saying to you, acknowledge their truth whether you agree with it or not, and really be present and mindful of what it is that they’re sharing with you. That way, the conversation actually maintains a sense of peace. Rather than getting heated, also remember that you also want to be heard. You want the other person to listen to you as well. So be the example and do what you would like to receive in return. The third tactic is simple but not so easy for everyone to do, and that is ask questions, dig a bit deeper. Try and gain a greater understanding of what the other person is actually arguing, what is their opinion, what is their filter and their perspective on life. Now oftentimes when we have our own opinion and we feel very, very strongly about it, we don’t really want to necessarily hear the other side because we’re so convinced about what it is that we believe. But if we ask questions, if we go that one layer deeper, we can actually gain a greater understanding of the whole picture.

And at least if it’s not the whole picture, then it’s two sides of the story as opposed to just one. And this actually brings me to the 4th tactic. And that is to be clear, offer all the research possible. Offer your opinion, but also offer your truth and your facts. And be mindful of the fact that I’m saying your truth and your facts, because we all know the Internet nowadays and it offers multiple perspectives. And it really hones in on offering you the same type of information that caters and aligns with you. So be mindful of the fact that this could really be your truth and your fact and your opinions based on what you’re receiving of information online and someone else’s truth and someone else’s facts could look very, very different. So the more angles you offer of research and even offering counter arguments is that much more fruitful to the conversation.

That way, like I previously said, now you’re not only looking at the opinion and the argument from one angle, but you’re actually seeing it from multiple angles. And what this allows both of you to do in the end is come to find a middle ground between both of your versions of the truth. It allows you to potentially find solutions to find somewhere in the middle where you can both come to form an understanding between one person’s opinion and another.

And this brings me to my fifth point, and that is that you want to offer an idea, offer an opinion, not impose it. So whether at the end of a conversation you agree or not, or you find a middle ground or not is not so important. What really is important is that you’re not trying to necessarily win or be right in any sort of disagreement. You’re actually trying to learn and mutually teach.

That way both parties are open to receiving new ways of looking at things, and also to offering a new way of looking at things. So like I said, you want to offer your perspective on things, but you never want to impose in imposing our own position onto others. This is what leads to arguments as opposed to greater understanding. Now I want to toss in a bonus 6th tactic for you guys. Surprise, surprise.

And that is, you want to maintain grounded and rational. Remember to be always mindful of both your energy and theirs. That you don’t want their energy, that it may potentially get heated and emotional to throw you off, but you also don’t want your energy to throw them off. You always want to maintain cool, calm and collected and very grounded. And remember, you always have the power to choose. How you wish to feel. So whether the other person is feeling angry or irritated or frustrated doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to feel that way yourself. Remember, you choose if you wish to feel calm, therefore, you can, and you can continue a conversation with that calm demeanor, that calm tone, that calm energy throughout. So there you have it, folks. Those are the five outstanding tactics. Plus a bonus tactic to disagreeing without arguing so what were they number one you want to maintain a calm tone number two you want to listen without disagreeing number three you want to ask questions and dig that much deeper number four you want to be clear do the research and really offer your truth. As clearly as possible number five you want to offer your opinion not impose it therefore you’re going in looking to learn and offer an idea as opposed to needing to win and number six the bonus you want to maintain a grounded rational calm energy that way you don’t both get all stirred up leading to an argument but rather can potentially walk away actually learning something new. So that’s it ladies and gents, for today. If you like today’s video, I ask that you click like leave comments below, subscribe to my channel. It’s a beautiful help pass on these videos to anyone you believe it could benefit, and I look forward to seeing you here next week on The Connection Code. My name is Giovanna Elias and I am a Human Connection Expert.

Until next time!

Happy Watching!

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